固話:+86-20-23830796 23830403
Product Designation | Description | Typical Application/Benefit | Application Method | Electrical Resistivity | |
Conductive Circuitry | |||||
CI-1001 | Silver-vinyl | Circuit traces and electrodes/low cost | Screen Print | < 0.015 | |
CI-1036 | Silver-urethane, durable, low ? | PET film or soft substrates/ creasable, stretchable | Screen Print | <0.010 | |
CI-1091 | Silver-epoxy | Circuit traces and electrodes/ halogen-free | Screen Print | <0.020 | |
Silver/Silver Chloride Electrodes | |||||
CI-4001 | Ag/AgCl- (45/55%) vinyl | Drug delivery electrode/high AgCl- % | Screen Print | <0.500 | |
CI-4002 | Ag/AgCl- (83/17%) vinyl | ECG, EEG or defib pad/ high solids | Screen or Pad Print | <0.050 | |
CI-4025 | Ag/AgCl- (80/20%) vinyl | ECG or EEG pad/ low cost | Screen Print | <0.050 | |
CI-4047 | Ag/AgCl- (80/20%) polyester | ECG or EEG pad/withstands harsh hydrogels and solutions, halogen-free | Screen Print | <0.200 | |
CI-4040 | Ag/AgCl- (80/20%) urethane | ECG, EEG or defib pad/ stretchable | Screen Print | >0.050 | |
Carbon Electrodes | |||||
CI-2042 | Carbon vinyl | Reference electrode or trace/highly conductive | Screen Print | <10 | |
CI-2057 | Carbon proprietary | Amperometric glucose sensor/ active surface | Screen Print | <50 | |
CI-2067 | Carbon proprietary | Amperometric glucose sensor/ active surface | Screen Print | <25 | |
CI-2058 | Carbon proprietary | Immunosensor sensor/active surface | Screen Print | <50 | |
Novel Materials | |||||
CI-5002 | Zinc vinyl | Zinc anode/create carbon-zinc battery cell for drug delivery | Screen Print | >1,000 Mega ? |